Italian filmmaker Gabriele Muccino is set to direct the Indy comedy film "Playing the Field," starring Gerard Butler, Uma Thurman, Jessica Biel, and newcomer Noah Lomax. Numerous roles for soccer kids and soccer moms will be cast in Shreveport, Louisiana where filming will take place. The starring roles are being cast out of Los Angeles.
Gabriele Muccino has had success directing American films in the past with the Will Smith starring vehicles "Seven Pounds," and "The Pursuit of Happyness," as well as "The Last Kiss" which was a remake of his 2001 Italian film version of the same name.
Nu Image Films' Avi Lerner and Danny Dimport will executive produce, while Gerard Butler and Alan Siegel will produce under the banner of their production company Evil Twins Productions. Misher Films' Kevin Misher will also co-produce.
Writer Robbie Fox has the final draft of the script in place and ready to go before cameras in late March 2011. Fox's previous screenplay credits are "So I Married an Axe Murderer," "In the Army Now," and "Shooting Elizabeth". In addition to listed credits, Fox did uncredited script polishes for various TV and movies including "My Girl" with Dan Aykroyd and Macaulay Culkin, and Disney's animated "Runaway Brain".
"Playing the Field was originally written as a baseball story titled "Confessions of a Little League Coach," but producers decided to have Robbie Fox rewrite the script as a soccer themed film to give it a much more international appeal, thus selling more box office tickets and higher DVD sales. Besides, the hot-to-trot soccer mom sub-plot works much better than a little-league baseball moms plot would have!
Principal photography begins on March 28, 2011 in Shreveport, Louisiana and will continue through May 20, 2011. Extras will be cast throughout filming.
Principal Actor Casting
See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for acting roles.
Please submit photos and resumes by mail only.
No phone calls or personal drop-offs.
Los Angeles:
Denise Chamian
"Playing The Field" Casting
1438 N. Gower Street
Building 35
Suite 270
Hollywood, CA 90028
Ryan Glorioso
"Playing The Field" Casting
712 Milam Street
Suite 103
Shreveport, LA 71101
Click Here to fill out the online talent registration form.
This is for LOCAL Shreveport, Louisiana hire only.
Extras Casting
Tara Duncil
Bam Casting, L.L.C.
601 Dodd Drive
Shreveport, LA 71107
Seeking people of all ages and ethnicities
Local Shreveport area residents can register by sending an email to the following:
Please include the following in your email:
• Name
• Phone/Cell
• Address
• Age
• Sex
• Ethnicity
• Height
• Weight
• Eyes
• Hair
• Vehicle Year/Make/Model/Color
Cut and paste a RECENT picture of yourself in the body of the email.
NOTE: These are PAID positions.
Production Companies:
Do NOT send photos and resumes to the production companies, as they will most likely end up being thrown away. They do not cast the films, rather they hire casting directors who sort through the thousands of submissions.
"Playing the Field" Production Office
Playing Productions
300 Douglas Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
Nu Image/Millennium Films
6423 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Evil Twins
345 N. Maple Drive
Suite 375
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Misher Films
12233 Olympic Blvd.
Suite 354
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Avi Lerner
Danny Dimbort
Trevor Short
Avi Lerner
Kevin Misher
Jonathan Mostow
Alan Siegel
Gabriele Muccino
Gerard Butler
Uma Thurman
Jessica Biel
Noah Lomax
The story follows George Dryer (Gerard Butler), a former soccer player who goes back to try and patch things up with his son (Noah Lomax) and estranged wife Stacie (Jessica Biel) - who is engaged to re-marry someone else - and ends up coaching the boy's soccer team. He becomes the subject of fascination and desire by every bored house wife in the town, especially the gorgeous Patti (Uma Thuman) who sets out on a mission to seduce the coach. Dryer must try to survive the extreme temptations of Patti and advances of the other soccer moms, as well as revive his relationship with his son.