"The Story of Bonnie and Clyde" begins filming in November, 2011.
AB Media Publishing, LLC
The Cypress Moon Productions feature film "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde" is currently casting and re-casting a number of starring roles after Hilary Duff announced she is pregnant and was pulling out of the project. Duff was set to play Bonnie Parker. Kevin Zegers was set to play Clyde Barrow, however he also pulled out of the project due to scheduling conflicts. Shooting will begin in November, 2011 and take place in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Missouri.
In their statement regarding both Duff and Zegers’ departure from the film Cypress Moon Studios said, "While production has been pushed several times due to financial, scheduling and other factors such as tornadoes devastating some of our locations, we are currently gearing up to start production later this year. Unfortunately we are now faced with scheduling conflicts with our leads Hilary Duff and Kevin Zegers. We were told that Duff would not be available until June, 2012 and that Zegers would not be available until January of the new year. Due to our obligations with investors and international buyers it is imperative that we stick to our current schedule. Therefore we are forced to explore other options for the two lead roles. Unfortunately this happens all the time in the world of filmmaking".
President and CEO of Cypress Moon Productions, Tonya S. Holly, will serve as executive producer, producer, director and writer of the film. The Story of Bonnie and Clyde is a new adaptation of the classic love story which tells the thrilling story of the notorious fugitives. Taking place during the 1930's Depression, the film follows the exploits of Bonnie and Clyde, uncovering many times in their lives that have never before been seen on the big screen.
Here are the roles being cast or re-cast:
• This Role Has Been Cast. Bonnie Parker (Hilary Duff originally cast). Early 20's to mid-20's, with a pretty and kind face, petite, thin, blonde, and blue eyed, first seen in a simple cotton dress, Bonnie is a small town gal, a waitress who longs for love and romance. Easily enamored of the dashing and charismatic Clyde Barrow, Bonnie is soon swept off her feet. Throwing caution and common sense to the wind, uncaring of his outlaw status, she soon becomes his cohort in crime. Determined to live and die with the man she loves, she tells her concerned mother that she'll never leave him, adding, "I'm in too deep now." Later, she explains to her friend, "It's either with him or without him. I'll never spend another night without him." Lead role. RECOGNIZABLE NAME ACTORS ONLY.
• Clyde Barrow (Kevin Zegers originally cast). Early 20's to mid-20's, he is a charismatic young man with brown hair, brown eyes and a great smile. Dressed nicely, with a playful streak, he soon sweeps an impressionable young Bonnie Parker off her feet. Sent to prison for armed robber, Clyde learns the hard way that a life behind bars is hell -- and he never plans to return. However, that doesn't mean he plans to lead a virtuous life. In fact, he seems to revel in a life lived on the edge, pumped with adrenaline every time the gang takes down another bank. His passion for danger is matched only by his passion for Bonnie, the young woman who has clearly captured his heart. Lead role. RECOGNIZABLE NAME ACTORS ONLY.
Buck Barrow. 24-28, he is Clyde's older brother, thin and just a few inches taller than Clyde. Also imprisoned, Buck is later pardoned and soon joins Bonnie and Clyde and other members of the Barrow gang. He's an upbeat, fun-loving fellow, thrilled by his brother's exploits. He brings his wife, Blanche, along, and she, too, becomes part of the outlaw entourage. Buck clearly knows the stakes, and is eventually taken out by law officers. Lead role. RECOGNIZABLE NAME ACTORS ONLY.
Blanche. 35-30, a beautiful woman with dark hair, she is Buck's wife, eager to settle down and buy a house. Sweet, simple and caring, she is, nonetheless, not about to abandon Buck or the gang, upset and concerned when Bonnie suffers life-threatening burns. Later, as law officers move in and Buck is shot, she refuses to leave his side. Lead role. RECOGNIZABLE NAME ACTORS ONLY.
Ralph Fults. In his early 20s, this prisoner befriends Clyde, who's behind bars for the first time. He shows Clyde the ropes, warning him of one particularly dangerous con. Prison-savvy, but with a temper when pushed too far, Ralph is beaten unconscious by a guard whom he insults. Later, after he's pardoned, he promises not to forget Clyde. Lead role. RECOGNIZABLE NAME ACTORS ONLY.
W.D. Jones. (Brendan Fletcher originally cast). 16 or 17, he is a good-looking, dark-haired kid, enamored of Clyde and his outlaw exploits. He's thrilled to made part of the gang, and excitedly tells Clyde that he can drive cars as well as hot wire them. Soon after, he's shaken to the core when he inadvertently kills a man. We later learn that W.D. is quite the card shark, and has been making money playing cards for as long he can remember. 4 speeches & 10 lines, 10 scenes. Supporting role. RECOGNIZABLE NAME ACTORS ONLY.
Mary O'Dare. (Taryn Manning originally cast). In her 20s, flamboyant and flirtatious, she is Raymond's silly and drunk girlfriend. She comes on to Clyde, angering Bonnie. Mary finds the whole bank robbing thing a rush. Supporting role. RECOGNIZABLE NAME ACTORS ONLY.
An open casting call took place in Joplin, Missouri on March 5, 2011 before the film was put on hold. You can read about the casting call here:
"The Story of Bonnie and Clyde" Open Casting Call
New open casting calls for extras will be posted here as soon as the information becomes available.
Principal Actor Casting
See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for acting roles.
Please submit photos and resumes by mail only.
No phone calls or personal drop-offs.
Los Angeles:
Pam Gilles
"The Story of Bonnie and Clyde"
Pam Gilles Casting
14429 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 118
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Extras Casting
All Locations:
Tonya S. Holly
"The Story of Bonnie and Clyde"
Extras Casting
Cypress Moon Studios
1000 Alabama Avenue
Sheffield, AL 35660
Production Companies:
Do NOT send photos and resumes to the production companies, as they will most likely end up being thrown away. They do not cast the films, rather they hire casting directors who sort through the thousands of submissions.
Cypress Moon Productions
1000 Alabama Avenue
Sheffield, AL 35660
Shoreline Entertainment
1875 Century Park East
Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tonya S. Holly
Thomas Rogers
Director: Tonya S. Holly
Lindsay Pulsipher
Bonnie Parker wanted something different… something exciting. Clyde Barrow wanted to be remembered. When their worlds collided, the rest became history. In a small Texas town in the 1930’s Depression, Bonnie Parker had dreams of becoming an actress or perhaps a poet. She knew more than anything that she wanted out – out of poverty, away from Texas, and she wanted a love story that would never end. Clyde Barrow grew up poor. He loved guns, cars, and getting noticed. It was his love for the finer things that would cost him his freedom. It is his loss of freedom that changes the boy to a man, and a man into a killer. The Story of Bonnie and Clyde begins with a love that cannot be broken, but Clyde’s love of money and excitement and his fear of returning to the Texas prison system leads them both into a world of violence. The story unravels, revealing a love story that has surpassed the decades. Every moment leads the couple into a web of no return, which will leave the audience breathless. This is a new account of the lives of the infamous Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. This telling will uncover times in their lives that have never been seen on the big screen before. What began as a beautiful love story, ends as one of the most remembered ambushes in history. This film will take you into the life and times of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. This is The Story of Bonnie and Clyde.