Universal Pictures and Michael De Luca Productions are in the pre-production stages for the upcoming feature film Dracula Year Zero. Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless penned the script, which centers on the origin of Dracula, mixing vampire mythology with the true history of Prince Vlad the Impaler. The story depicts Dracula as a flawed hero in a tragic love story set in a dark age of magic and war.
Sam Worthington has signed on to star as Prince Vlad and Alex Proyas will direct the film. Proyas is an Australian filmmaker who produced, directed, and co-wrote the box-office hit film "Knowing", which was filmed in Melbourne. Proyas is owner of Mystery Clock Cinema, which co-produced "Knowing" with Summit Entertainment.
Filming will begin in November 2010. No release date has been announced.
See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for acting roles.
Please submit photos and resumes by mail only.
No phone calls or personal drop-offs.
Principal Actor Casting (Australia):
Greg Apps
Fox Studios Australia
Building 11
Driver Avenue
Moore Park NSW 1363
Extras Casting (Australia):
Real People Victoria
566 St Kilda Road
Suite 103 Level 1
Melbourne VIC 3004
Click Here to register.
Production Companies:
Do NOT send photos and resumes to the production companies (they will most likely end up in the trash can), they do not cast the films. They hire casting directors who sort through the thousands of submissions.
Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
Michael De Luca Productions
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Astaire Bldg.
Suite 3028
Culver City, CA 90232
Mystery Clock Cinema
27 Renny Street
Paddington NSW 2021
Producers: Michael De Luca, Alissa Phillips
Director: Alex Proyas
Starring: Sam Worthington
The story chronicles the epic origin of Dracula, weaving vampire mythology with the true history of Prince Vlad the Impaler. It depicts Dracula as a flawed hero in a tragic love story set in a dark age of magic and war, repositioning him more as a vengeful hero than the monster seen in Bram Stoker's classic novel.